Jamie is an evolutionary biologist with interests in molecular ecology, population genetics and evolution. Two key strands are fish population genetics, and parasite systematics and evolution. He focuses on questions in the field of population/conservation genetics, with particular emphasis on applying knowledge of population genetic process to the management and conservation of Atlantic salmon and trout, and a variety of marine organisms, including sea fans and lobster, with the aim of understanding gene flow and connectivity in relation to the design and designation of marine protected areas.
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Partner Research Centres
- Water Innovation and Research Centre (Bath)
- Water Initiative (Bristol)
- Water Research Institute (Cardiff)
- Centre for Water Systems (Exeter)
- The Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste (Exeter)
Contact us at wsainfo@cf.ac.uk.
GW4 is a collaboration between University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and University of Exeter
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